Sunday, May 26, 2013

i Baked Macarons!

♥ dream ♥ smile ♥ love ♥

For my birthday this year  and in line with my Month of May: Macarons project, my dear husband signed me up for a macaron baking class at Palate Sensations and I was thrilled! I'm really not that into baking but I love macarons and the idea of being able to make them myself had me so excited.

Upon arriving at the class venue, we were given an apron and a macaron recipe (which you'll find below), and all the ingredients we'll need were already weighed and prepared for us. Our instructor for the day, Chef Felicia Khoo, first demonstrated the steps on how to make the macaron batter and then after watching, it was our turn.

In the class, we worked in pairs. I have to say I was lucky with my baking partner because we both love photos and we just kept taking pictures of each other. It was my first time ever  to whip eggs and use a piping bag and I really wanted to document it :)

I have been reading and watching videos on how to make macarons. I am aware of how delicate they are and how easily I can ruin the macarons so I was very careful with each step, constantly checking with Chef Felicia if I'm doing it correctly, and trying to follow the tips I can remember from my research. I guess it paid off because of the twelve students that day, the instructor said my shells were the best!

* I tried to make a cute heart macaron for my husband and as a first-timer, I know I was being ambitious.. it wasn't successful :P
I was so happy when my macarons came out of the oven with those pretty feet! The pink macarons faded after baking so I guess next time I should put in more color.

We made two flavors that day: Rose and  Crème Brûlée. I got too eager piping the fillings and ended up with fat macarons. Although they look and taste like real macarons, I have to admit they were not as soft as I was hoping them to be. Still, my supportive husband was happy with the macarons I baked given that it was my first try. I really want to learn how to make my own macarons at home and I know I will  have to practice, practice, practice and try many different recipes until I find what works for me best.

My self-made macarons
Photo by Jose
Have you tried baking your own macarons? Do you know some macaron tricks and tips? Are you using a fool-proof macaron recipe? Do share and leave me a message! :)

Basic French Macaron Recipe
(Makes about a dozen macarons)

60g   Ground Almond
110g Icing Sugar
50g   Aged Egg Whites
4g     Egg White Powder
14g   Granulated Sugar
*Add coloring into the meringue or 4g coloring powder to dry ingredients.

1. Sieve almond powder and icing sugar together.
2. In another bowl, mix together egg white powder and granulated sugar.
3. Whisk the aged egg whites until foamy and does not flow when bowl is tilted.
4. Add in half of the sugar/egg white powder mixture.
5. *Add in colouring at this stage if using.
6. Continue whisking until soft peaks and add in the rest of the sugar/egg white powder mixture.
7. Meringue is ready when a firm peak holds its shape when whisk is lifted.
8. Add half of the almond powder mixture and roughly fold into the meringue.
9. Add the rest of the mixture, folding and pressing out the air.
10. Stop mixing when batter is shiny and flows like magma.
11. Fill pastry bag with a round tip (about 1cm in diameter) and pipe into silicon mat.
12. *You may use a stencil placed beneath the mat to ensure uniform sized macaron shells.
13. Hit the tray on the table top once to remove air and get a smooth top.
14. *At this point, you may sprinkle on salt, cocoa powder, decorations, etc.
15. Leave batter out to dry. It is ready when macarons dont stick to finger when touched.
16. Bake at 150’C for 10 to 12 minutes, turning the tray halfway through baking time.
17. Check if it’s done by moving the top of the macaron shell, it should barely move.
18.. Transfer the mat onto a cooling rack and remove shells carefully when cooled.
Swiss Buttercream Recipe

150g Egg Whites
150g Granulated Sugar
300g Soft Butter
1. Place egg whites and sugar in mixing bowl.
2. Place over bain marie and whisk continuously until all the sugar is dissolved and is hot to the touch.
3. Start whisking on the mixer until you achieve a stiff meringue.
4. Slowly add in the softened butter and whip until a buttercream is obtained.
5. At this point, you can whisk in any flavor you want (essence, paste, chocolate, etc.)

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